What exactly is wine aeration?
In the simplest terms, aeration forces wine to interact with air to accelerate oxidation and evaporation. The act of aerating a wine brings its flavors to life.
How do I use KWÄF Wine Aerators?
All you have to do is insert a KWÄF Wine Aerator into the neck of your wine bottle! Aeration occurs instantly as you pour. For more information, check out our How-To Video.
Are KWÄF Wine Aerators recyclable?
Yes. Once your bottle’s empty, you can recycle it with the KWÄF Wine Aerator still in place!
What are KWÄF Wine Aerators made of?
KWÄF Wine Aerators are made of EPA/FDA approved materials.
How well do KWÄF Wine Aerators aerate the wine?
KWÄF Wine Aerators deliver a level of aeration that is similar to traditional decanting, which won’t risk bruising fine wines. As you pour, the wine is gently mixed with oxygen, giving it the opportunity to fully develop its flavors.
Do KWÄF Wine Aerators work on both red and white wines?
Yes. They soften the tannins present in red wines, making them taste better, and enhance the aromas of white wines.
What if I don’t finish the bottle?
You can save the bottle with a KWÄF Wine Aerator in place! Cover it with a piece of plastic wrap, a silicone bottle cap, or the bottle’s original screw-top cap (if it came with one).
Can I return my KWÄF Wine Aerator if I'm unhappy with the results?
Of course! Please contact customer support with your concerns so we may address them and fully refund your purchase.
Do KWÄF Wine Aerators use patented technology?
Yes, KWÄF Wine Aerators use patented breakthrough technology! As wine is poured through the specially designed tunnels in-bottle aerators, the wine is exposed to more oxygen.
Is KWÄF a woman-owned company?
Yes, KWÄF is a certified Women Owned™ business as well as a member of Women of the Vine and Spirits®.
I own a retail shop and would like to carry KWÄF Wine Aerators! What should I do?
Please call 617-674-9833 or email sales@kwafwineaerators.com to discuss your options. We look forward to hearing from you!